Don’t let the idea of packing your hospital bag scare you! I’m here to walk you through that to put in your hospital bag.

Okay, confession time. I legit did not pack very well at all for my hospital stay after having Oliver. I just packed like I was going on it mini trip. Like a staycation.
I literally did all of the things wrong in packing my hospital bag! There were literally things that I did not touch at all, clothes I couldn’t wear because my body wasn’t ready for them, and so many things I was missing. That made for an even more uncomfortable hospital stay than it already was. Having everything that you need for your changing body and your new baby is going to make a huge difference in your hospital stay!
Something that I just assumed would happen was that I could just have Josh go get me anything that I had forgotten. I did not take into consideration how all of the hormones running through my body and lack of sleep would affect my decision-making and my ability to simply just ask him for help. I made all the mistakes so you don’t have to! Let me be your guide in packing your hospital bag to make sure that you have a much better experience in the hospital and so that you can focus all of your attention on recovering and bonding with your sweet baby instead of worrying that you forgot something or wished you had not brought something.
This post is all about what to put in your hospital bag.
What to Put in Your Hospital Bag – The Bag
Hospital bags can be packed in one of two ways. You can have your own bag and have a separate bag for all your baby stuff, or you can have them all in one. This one is totally up to you. Whether you like everything more Consolidated into one bag so you have fewer things to carry, or whether you want your items separate from your baby’s items. The point of this though is that you are going to have to pack for two people essentially.
You can’t go wrong with any bag you bring really, as long as you can organize it how you need to. During our first hospital stay, I had a bag for me, a bag for Ollie, and a bag for Josh. Oh, and my camera bag, Ollie’s car seat, and Ollie’s diaper bag. What. So many bags! So with our next baby, we’re slimming it down. Separate bags work for some people, but they did not work for us. That’s why I invested in the Weekender bag from Fawn Design. It fits all of the necessary mom AND baby things all in ONE bag! It’s perfect for a short hospital stay. Plus, you can use it for short vacations in the future too!
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What to Put in Your Hospital Bag – Mom
Now, let’s talk first about the hospital bag for Mom.
All right ladies, here is a list of items that I would highly recommend you bring for yourself. One thing to note is that most hospitals will provide you with a lot of what you needed to take care of your recovery. You can also stay in your hospital again the entire time, which means less clothing that you have to bring for yourself! However this isn’t always very comfortable for a lot of people especially when it comes to nursing your sweet baby, so just think through what you think will make more sense to you and what will make you feel more comfortable.
- Lose pajamas/nightgowns (unless you don’t mind wearing the hospital gowns during your stay)
- Robe
- Slippers
- Nursing Bra
- Peri Bottle (The hospital provides one, but this one is so much more user-friendly!)
- Going home outfit (about 4 months pregnant size)
- Phone Charger with a long cord
- Headphones
- Camera
- Toiletry bag with all of the essentials (Brush, hair ties, toothbrush, toothpaste, face wash, makeup, deodorant)
- Dry Shampoo
- Lanolin cream
- Eye Mask/Ear Plugs
- Socks
What to Put in Your Hospital Bag – Baby
Now, what to pack for your sweet baby! This is the fun part, at least for me it was. For your baby, the hospital will supply diapers and wipes. They also have blankets that you can use and that little hats as well. However, you bought all those cute things for your baby, I’m sure you’re excited to use them! I know I was! However, I forgot them all. So that was cool. Haha. Here are some items to pack for your baby in your hospital bag!
- Onesies (1-2)
- Swaddle/Blankets
- Pacifiers
- Hats
- Mittens
- Socks
- Nail file (you don’t want to use fingernail clippers yet!)
- Baby Lotion
- Nursing pillow
- Going home outfit
- Car seat
There you have it! Super easy packing list but with a pregnancy brain, nothing is ever as easy as it should be. Which is why I’m here to help! All of the items above are things that I would highly recommend that you pack in your hospital bag. Having the essentials will make your stay more comfortable and your departure not so chaotic with too many things floating around. Good luck!