simply sid & co, christmas traditions and activities to do as a family

Family Christmas Activities Bucket List

If you know me, you know how much I LOVE Christmas. I literally live for the Christmas season. The downside? It’s too short! There are so many fun things to do that I wish there was more time to do them all, especially now that we have a toddler. I want him to experience all of the fun Christmas things! Over the years, I’ve come up with a bucket list of sorts filled with family Christmas activities to make sure that we don’t forget anything during the Christmas season, and I want to share it with you. I would also love to hear about what family Christmas activities you guys like to do during the Christmas season! I’m always looking for more activities to rotate into the list and would love to share what you send.

Bake Christmas treats for neighbors while listening to Christmas Music

Keep an eye out for my blog post with some good treats to bake with as a family!

Christmas Movie Marathon of the Classics

I talk all about our favorite Christmas movies on this post here!

Decorate for Christmas

Christmas decorations don’t have to be limited to the tree! We like to decorate as much of our house as we can!

Christmas Music Dance Party

Here is our current favorite Christmas playlist for this!

Take Christmas Photos

You don’t have to send them out! Just take some fun photos to remember that Christmas by.

Drive around to see Christmas lights or Christmas lights drive through

I love seeing the lights that people put up! It’s also fun to drive through some of the Christmas light exhibits that different companies put on. You can’t go wrong with either option.

Service for a neighbor

We like to shovel our neighbors’ driveways. Silly? Maybe, but I love shoveling snow and you can always count on snow around Christmas!

Service for a family member

This is always such a good way to help kids learn how to find ways to serve. I loved doing this as a kid!

Donate a present to someone in need

Find someone that you know (or don’t know!) and get them something they would like or need!

Build a Snowman

I never realized how fun this was until I moved to Utah and realized that there is snow out there that can make a good snowman! Find the right kind of snow and create your own Frosty!

Go sledding

I grew up going to the mountains to go sledding and it always seemed like such a big ordeal. It’s not though! As long as you live near snow that is. They sell pretty inexpensive sleds at the grocery stores that work so well!

Snowball Fight

This is what I think of every time I hear snowball fight. Does anyone else remember this game?? I loved it so much.

Make snow angels

I’m not a big fan of these to be honest. Every now and then though, usually after an intense snowball fight, I will just lay in the snow and it feels so good!

Ugly Sweater Party

These are the best. And the gems you can find at the thrift stores are even better.

Tim Tam Slams

If you haven’t had these, you have to try them! Basically, you bite the corners of a Tim Tam, dip one corner in a cup of hot cocoa (not too hot!), and suck up through the other end. Once the cookie gets soft, eat it and enjoy the delicious tase of chocolate in chocolate. Your life will be changed!

Decorate a Gingerbread House

Did you know that they sell pre-built gingerbread houses now? Now more concaving roofs and falling walls!

Go to a Christmas Market

These are so fun! They always have the cutest and most unique trinkets and decorations.

See the Nutcracker

I love the Nutcracker. It’s kind of an odd story, but the ballet is so beautiful! I always wanted to be in it, even though I only did ballet for like a year or two. Haha.

Go to a Tree Lighting

These are always so fun to see!

Have a tree lighting for your own Christmas tree

We watched a Christmas movie where they did this and have started doing it ourselves! Haha, it’s silly, but it’s been really fun. P.S. we got our Christmas tree at Walmart and have loved it!

Wrap Christmas gifts

Maybe have a contest for who can wrap a present the prettiest or the fastest?

White Elephant gift exchange

These are always so fun! If you’re doing it as a family, you can add an actual white elephant to the mix. Whoever gets the white elephant signs it with their name and the year and brings it next year for the next gift exchange!

Paper snowflake contest

Paper and scissors. That’s really all you need for this!

Write a letter to Santa thanking him

Ollie is too little for this still, but I’m so excited to start doing this with him when he gets older!

Christmas Advent Stories

We have a book of Christmas stories that we read from every night in December and it’s so fun! It really helps us keep the Christmas spirit.

Start a new tradition

There is always room for new traditions! Don’t be afraid to let some into your home.

christmas traditions to start, simply sid & co, baking with a toddler
family christmas activities, simply sid & co, decorating a christmas tree with a toddler
family christmas activities, simply sid & co, decorating a christmas tree with a toddler
family christmas activities, simply sid & co, decorating a christmas tree with a toddler
family Christmas activities to start this year, simply sid & co

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