toddler decorating russian creme with berries in a mason jar on a cutting board, simply sid & co

7 Christmas Treats to Make this Holiday Season

You can’t have Christmas without Christmas treats, am I right? The Christmas I was pregnant with Ollie, we had just moved into our house like 3 days before and although we had a tree and some decorations up (#priorities), we didn’t have any Christmas treats and something felt like it was missing! Especially for an 8 month pregnant woman.

Ever since then, I’ve made a mental pact with myself that I will always try to make at least one treat during the Christmas season! But which to choose from?? I know. It’s tough. But it’s about to be made easy! Here are some of our most favorite Christmas treats that we have made, including the recipe to one of my in-law’s favorite treats. They are tried and tested, so fear not!

If you have any favorite treats not on this list, please share them below! I would love to add more to our list and share them with you!

Russian Creme

This is a favorite during the holidays in Josh’s family. It is not too sweet and tastes so refreshing and delicious!

russian creme with berries on a cutting board, simply sid & co

Homemade Fudge

Fudge is classic, quintessential Christmas, and I LOVE it. Of all the recipes I’ve tried, this is by far a favorite at our house.

S’mores Bark

I’m not into peppermint bark as much as I wish I was, but when I found this recipe, I felt ok with it. This is always a good one for the holidays to make and share with your neighbors!

Christmas Crunch

I have recently gotten really into popcorn, so I’m especially excited to make this recipe this year! It’s always magical to have Christmas-ey popcorn while watching a Christmas movie with the tree on.

Shortbread Thumbprint Cookies

Ever since I went to England, I have a special place in my heart for shortbread cookies. This is one of our favorite recipes, but we also like to add chocolate chips to them because chocolate, right?

Christmas Oreo Balls

Oreo balls have always been a favorite treat of mine so finding a recipe that made them Christmas-worthy was a beautiful day!

Dark Chocolate Candy Cane Cookies

These cookies are so delicious! Josh made them a couple of years ago and even though I wasn’t so sure about them, I am a fan now!

Stack of Dark Chocolate Candy Cane Cookies
Pic: Liv for Cake
Making Christmas treats with a toddler, simply sid & co, baking with a toddler
Making Christmas treats with a toddler, simply sid & co, baking with a toddler

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